Friday 5 June 2015


Hi guys!! My first post! Am really excited to share with you guys some of the little simple things I know and sometimes do that have really helped me. I hope they can also be of help to you.

I wish someone had told me earlier about the power of nature. It would have saved me that trip to the dermatologist. Water is a miracle worker! It wasn't until recently when my roommate started a water  challenge that I discovered this beauty secret. She could take 1.5 litres  a day. I found it intriguing and googled further. I found positive reviews from people who drank a certain amount of water a day. I decided to take up a 4 litres  a day challenge for a week just to see if it works. So I started and four days into the challenge I experienced results. My mum and sister gave me these positive compliments about my skin. I usually have mild acne on my forehead and cheeks and they were clearing up! By the end of the week my skin had really improved.
Water has so many benefits aside from clearing up your skin and giving you a healthy and fresh look.. It is the best tool for weight loss because it replaces high calorie drinks like soft drinks and even alcohol and is a great appetite suppressant. So if you are looking to lose weight increase your water intake. Water also helps in digestion and prevents constipation. It flushes out toxins and waste products from your body. Drinking more water gives you a healthy scalp which in turn gives you healthy hair. There are so many benefits! I could go on and on.
Please try drinking more water FAITHFULLY. I promise you will get beautiful results. Your trips to the bathroom will increase but it will be worth it.
Here are some tips to make water a habit.
• Carry a water bottle with you always.
• Drink water first thing in the morning before  doing anything else.( it makes you a bit nauseous but it gets better when you continue)
• Keep water on yourr desk at work.
• When you feel like a snack, try drinking water first.
• Substitute for water instead of coffee or soda.
• Track your water, record the amount of water you take daily. It  will motivate you to take more.
• If you don't like plain water you can infuse it with  lemon, cucumber,  mint leaves, strawberries among other things.
Lets drink up for beautiful glowing skin!


  1. Fantastic review!! Can't wait to take up the water challenge.

  2. But I love coffee. really nicw blog tho' Go You!!!

    1. Hahaha no hun! Stooop. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

  3. I'll try the water challenge 😊
    Av really had bad acne 😣😕

    1. Yeah please do! Also try adding a glass of fresh carrot juice every morning.
