Sunday 14 June 2015


Hey guys! Today I thought of doing a short post on feminine hygiene. I cannot stress enough the importance of hygiene especially for girls. I don't need to go to detail on the importance of showering .I think it is obvious. Shaving or waxing however! You will allow me. They play a very huge part when it comes to hygiene and give you a clean look when it comes to bikini seasons. Shaving or waxing should be done regularly to prevent the irritation on your skin.
The irritation causes a lot of discomfort. A good wash can help clear this discomfort. I use Hovid O'yes! Feminine Hygiene wash.
It really works for me plus it smells SO good! I try not use it daily as I was recently told daily use will destroy even the beneficial bacteria. A healthy vagina is naturally acidic and contains beneficial bacteria that prevent infections and maintain a normal PH level. You can get one but I would advice consulting your gynecologist before using any washes.
A balanced and nutritious diet that includes plenty of fluids contribute to a healthy reproductive system. Yeast infections are also a pain! Fresh cranberry juice or yoghurt (plain yoghurt is the best) helps prevent yeast infections and are of help when it comes to treatment. If they do not work for you then make that trip to the gynecologist. There are ointments and medications that are very efficient.
Also remember:
• Change panty liners as often as sanitary towels.
• When buying panties ALWAYS go for 100% cotton.
• Add plenty of fruits, nuts, and vegetables rich in vitamin E to your diet.
• Drinking the required amount of water provides the necessary lubrication and creates a milder vaginal scent.

Thank you for reading!